In my undergrad days, I was the kind of guy who fell asleep in class. I had to do something so I figured out a trick: recording lectures. I bought a $90 mp3 recorder and my life was changed.
Not only could I hear the lectures I missed but I could stop and relisten to the difficult parts. I could even listen while folding laundry, walking to class, or using the toilet!
I had unlocked the power of audio learning. Fast forward thirteen years and I now have episodes from over 75 different podcasts on my phone. I’d like to share my top ten podcasts. I recommend you subscribe!
All of these are Christan theology podcasts - some directed to leaders - but as you’ll see most are applicable to every North American Christian.
Group A (1-3)
Accessible for all people regardless of religion.
1. Questioning Christianity
Focus: answering common skeptical questions about Christianity.
Updated: n/a. This is a limited series of 15 episodes (released in May, 2022).
Style: a combination of recorded lectures to a real audience in NYC, with lengthy Q&A recordings from the same event.
Why I like it: There are two reasons. One, I sometimes have doubts in my faith and podcasts like this help me to reexamine my doubts. Two, I want to share my faith well and I know of no better person doing this, at an intellectually robust level, than Tim Keller. This is worth learning from, not only for the content by also for the persuasive manner in which Keller speaks.
My favourite recent episode: Meaning.
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2. Gospelbound
Focus: new books & navigating life by the gospel of Jesus Christ
Updated: 2-3 times per month.
Style: interviews with authors.
Why I like it: Some books have so much filler they waste your time. So podcasts centered around book author interviews, when done well, can bring out the best of a book so that you either a) benefit without having to read the book, or b) realize its benefits so much that you buy the book. Collin Hansen is the Editor in Chief at TGC; he thinks through what should go on the website of The Gospel Coalition. And so too he carefully considers the best questions to ask book authors to ensure the best content ends up in this Gospelbound podcast. So subscribe.
My favourite recent episode: The Jesus Revolution for Women (Oct. 4th, 2022).
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3. The White Horse Inn
Focus: reformed perspectives on theology, culture, and apologetics.
Updated: weekly.
Style: a conversation between regular hosts with occasional guest interviews.
Why I like it: This was the first podcast I ever subscribed to. These guys get the gospel right. Each episode has something new to learn and yet most episodes are accessible enough for beginner Christians to follow. I especially appreciate the wisdom of Justin Holcomb and Michael Horton, but all guests have good to say.
Favourite recent episode: Losing Our Sanity: What We’re Afraid Of (Aug. 7, 2022)
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Group B (4-8)
Mostly accessible, especially for Christian leaders.
4. Pastors Talk
Focus: pastoral ministry & ecclesiology.
Updated: 2-3 times per month.
Style: two church leaders talk practically about leading a church, with occasional interviews.
Why I like it: Mark Dever is one of the best interviewers I know. He and Jonathan Leeman work really well together and get through a lot of content in a short time. There is a special clarity with Dever, distilling complex issues into a straightforward form. Very helpful for any church leader!
My favourite recent episode: Episode 202: On Expressive Individualism (with Carl Trueman) (April 5, 2022).
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5. Rebuilders - Red Church
Focus: understanding the complex global issues of our day (while still placing our hope in Jesus).
Updated: 2-3 times per month.
Style: an expert who unpacks their insights in a conversational style.
Why I like it: Mark Sayers is an Australian Pastor who has a pulse on all sorts of changing issues in our day. While I normally skip the 5-minutes of banter at the beginning, I respect that Sayers brings a human element to cultural analysis and how he frequently places hope in Christ despite the issues that come in a post-Christian, secular world.
My favourite recent episode: Five ministry dynamics of our grey zone (June 22, 2022).
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6. Life and Books and Everything
Focus: pastoral ministry, theology, and cultural commentary
Updated: 2-3 times per month.
Style: a combination of interviews, audible versions of articles, and discussions.
Why I like it: Many grab a hammer to deal with church leadership issues - Kevin DeYoung brings a full toolkit. He seeks precisions, warns of theological drift, and always gives me something worth chewing on. Instead of gut-reaction tweets, DeYoung tightens up the areas that are weakening in the evangelical church.
My favourite recent episode: A Lifetime of Books and Ministry with D.A. Carson (Sept. 28th, 2022).
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7. Mere Fidelity
Focus: discussing truth across the full spectrum of life, Bible and culture.
Updated: 3-4 times per month.
Style: a conversation between regular hosts with frequent interviews.
Why I like it: This one has a good sense of characters, like a sitcom. You have Alastair, the Biblical Theologian & sage. Derek, the youthful campus minister who is completing his Ph.D. Matt is the frenetic host who always finds a way to direct the conversation toward ethics (his specialty). And Andrew, the faithful UK pastor who is just trying to be faithful in his callings (and thus misses many episode recordings). But it’s not just the characters. It’s the wide range of topics, the clarity and precision, and the acceptance of difference on secondary matters. It’s awesome!
My favourite recent episode: The Name of the Lord (Aug. 16, 2022)
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8. Into Theology
Focus: old, great theology books.
Updated: weekly (unless they’re on a break).
Style: a book club conversation between two scholarly friends.
Why I like it: A mark of a leader is their ability to recommend good books. Canadian Wyatt Graham is exactly this and has encouraged me to open up the ones that have proved their merit over centuries. Into Theology has opened up Augustine’s Confessions for me (and helped me realize that I was reading an outdated translation!). You can still benefit from the podcast even if you haven’t read the book/chapter they’re discussing since they do lots of quote-reading, etc..
My favourite recent episode: 44: Augustine's Confessions - Friendship and Illumination (March 18, 2022).
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Group C (9-10)
You may need to look up a few words, but these are still accessible for most Christians.
9. Grace in Common
Focus: an intro to neo-Calvinism and neo-Calvinist perspectives on theology and culture.
Updated: weekly for each season, with breaks between seasons.
Style: a conversation between regular hosts with occasional interviews.
Why I like it: I married into a Dutch family and so I’ve always wanted to learn more of the Christian tradition there. It turns out that Timothy Keller, whom I have learned plenty from, also has learned a lot from that Dutch tradition (which is called “neo-Calvinism”). This one can get technical at times - but it’s unlocking a way of describing how Christians can be both historically orthodox while also being up-to-date with contemporary truth. These guys are the kind of “reformed” that I see myself as.
My favourite recent episode: Tim Keller on Pastoral Ministry and neo-Calivinism (Sept. ‘22)
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10. CPT Podcast (Pastor-Theologian)
Updated: 2-3 times per month
Focus: bridging the gap between pastors and academic theologians.
Style: a conversation between regular hosts with frequent interviews.
Why I like it: This is a newer one for me but I rarely skip an episode. Perhaps I like it since they feel like they’re speaking directly to me. I have an MDiv degree but feel like I have so much to learn before moving into full-time ministry. The Center for Pastor Theologians (CPT) exists to equip pastors to be theologians for today’s complex world. If nothing else, this has helped me grow in humility and in recognition of how many books I still wish to read!
My favourite recent episode: Technology and Personhood (with Andy Crouch).
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Addendum: What About Technology Podcasts?
There are a ton of theology and technology podcasts out there. But honestly, none of them land within my top 10. I do plan on writing a separate post in a week or two that outlines my favourite five or so Theology and Technoloy podcasts. Stay tuned.
Theology Pugcast
Bible Project
Help Me Teach the Bible
She Speaks Truth
the second two- let's get some GODLY WOMEN on your list!